Gemak employees, with the help of the Enver Maliqi Foundation, organized an eco-action to plant trees in the district of SOS Children's Village Macedonia

June 28, 2023
Вработените од Гемак со помош од Фондацијата Енвер Малиќи организаираа еко акција за садeње на дрвца во кругот на СОС Детско село Македонија

The employees of Gemak, with the help of the Enver Maliqi Foundation, together with the children of the village, organized an eco-action to plant trees in the area of SOS Children’s Village Macedonia.
The sun, beautiful energy, love and care, as well as the diligent hands of kindergarten children, helped the Gemak team to plant 60 trees and a dozen sardines.
The action ended with a meeting at noon, a small picnic, with jokes, laughter and gratitude for each of the children, mothers and teachers of the village.
Congratulations to the members of the Enver Maliqi Foundation, Gemak, for this beautiful event where, through the planting of trees, they conveyed the message that children are our source of life.
“No child should grow up alone.”

Posted in ПРОЕКТИ